Sunday, March 30, 2008

Beauty and the Beast

As I continue through this journey of life, I believe that natural beauty is such a precious thing. To support this I will define what natural beauty is to me. When I see a child laugh no matter how physically/visually appealing or not, but showing/expressing their heart and happiness as a purity is such beauty. Hearing the melody and words in a flow of music that never wanes or sours. The last time you heard it is as good as the first time it struck you. Seeing a woman, without make-up, in a sweatshirt, still looking beautiful in every chance she is viewed without trying and with a smile, is totally time freezing for me. Seeing a beautiful flower garden or a vegetable garden that is thoroughly green, from sprout to fruit. Seeing the sunrise/set on a wave or a calm lake is perfection. Seeing a dark night sky lit by millions of stars, so clear that you see both shooting and falling stars, add in the milky way and there isn't much in nature that out-does that. And finally feeling loved, knowing you screwed up but are still appreciated and cared for. My generalization of what I think others believe natural beauty is all in the sight, but I think it is much deeper. In my constant search for truth and definition, I believe God's part in this is suttle. His hand, eye, ear, senses and love shine in the simplest, undemanding circumstances. I am more and more thankful for each day given and treasure life more everyday. blessings to you my friends and take the time this minute, hour, day week, etc... to spot the things that are naturally beautiful in your life. We rarely take the time to identify them, but when you do such introspection, you too will find Grace and Peace. You may realize that you have more blessings than you ever imagined! Love, Mike
Oh yeah the beast reference is me, if you hadn't figured it out. ;)