Sunday, December 23, 2007

What I don't know

Most of the time, when people write blogs they tell you what they know, so I believe it is a great place to start discussion. I'd like to share what I don't know.

"I do not know:
1. ... why people think believing in a God is a bad thing.
2. ... why people have to be selfish to get what they want.
3. ... why people hold on to anger, when it hurts themselves.
4. ... how others don't try to do good.
5. ... how come people don't simplify their lives.
6. ... why do we make life as difficult as we make it.
7. ... when is it okay to satisfied.
8. ... why are people not humble.
9. ... why does Christmas seem to be such a down time, when it should focus on love and selflessness.
10. ... why do we focus on material things, when eventually their value will be worthless.
11. ... who said gold has the most value in life? Do we eat it, breathe it, need it?
12. ... why people can't moderate themselves.
13. ... why women do what they do. I will probably never understand this one!
14. ...why people do not see the uniqueness, and beautiful things in every single one of us.
15. ... why I could go on forever listing things I don't know!

When I write blogs here, I hope you comment, and even start sensible discussions that are important to you! I love you and thank God you are a part of my life! Have a safe + Merry Christmas! Mike

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