Thursday, January 10, 2008


I have always tried to keep up with politics, and the more I do the less I like it and hold destain for it. Being an election year, I believe in exerting one's right to vote for whomever they feel is the best choice. I feel patriotic in that I believe in America, it's ideals, it's history and sacrifices, but the system bites! So many interest groups, money being necessary for a limited few to run, and selecting what each major party decides is not necessarily in my best interest. I'll point to one special interest group with money = oil. Personally I believe their record profits are being made so that when oil resources are used up, they will own the next best thing. With this group the idea is that 30 billion dollar PROFIT in 2006, could only be because of supply and demand. Well who controls that? I need it to get to and from work, kid's stuff, shopping and occasional leisure trips. I use the car less and less because it has gone up so fast. Politics helps decide what is allowed and what gets hammered, like when they finally decided that tobacco companies were finished. War fuels money and demand also. What I propose is this: (Being an idealist) We should no longer have primaries, whoever wants to run gets an allotted amount of money to spend on promoting what they will do for the public. Voters would get the information they need to make choices, and they should demand it by voting their preferences. No party system allowed. I want this to be real, really for it's intention; serving the public! I want the electoral college to be a second option if an exact tie has occurred, which will probably never happen since we have millions of people. Give me the written plan you will use in office, and if you stray from it, you would be held accountable. I know shit happens, but don't cause it. I would like to see that incumbents get a review, much like teachers as far as evaluation tools to be included in their information. Lists of what they voted for, why and their tax records be public. They serve us right? If a voted in official is found taking any money, they will be thrown out. If we were to simplify political roles, they themselves would be more invested into doing a better and complete job for the people. Is this too far fetched? Maybe, if I ran for office, I'd be shot, or I know that someone would lie and try to screw with my life! Is that really how we want things to be? But we allow it, we sit back, status quo is fine, that is if it isn't screwing me often. I've even seen these kind of improprieties in the church system, and I believe it has pulled people away from where we should be running to. Systems and their courts have been so abused and loop holed to the point that middle America is dissolving while we speak. The history of man has shown that when you have countries, establishments where there end up with those that have and have not, end in rebellion. This totally reminds me of how the U.S. started. whether we were thrown out of other countries, dragged here, so poor this offered the only solution, we sought freedom, chance for financial growth, and open choice of religion. How many rights have we given up over the last 10-15 years? Politics, religion and economy are areas I believe we need reformed. As our forefathers agreed in our first Constitution if it ain't working rebuild it and start again. Does that mean we wait until their is rebellion? Can somebody tell me why we now have to buy our water? When we were a kid we joked about it. I understand to get it from one place to another costs moolah, but I buy it by the case, because my tap sucks! We continue to acquiesce. I guess I'm not happy with how things are going. I feel in less control of things. I feel others are profiting at the majorities expense. Why is it those that have get away with giving less than they should, because they can buy their way out? Is that even cheaper? Probably or they wouldn't do it. When I drive around my city I have seen social change. Areas that used to be prime are now middle class or less, all the new homes are on the outskirts of town and house those that have. White flight is rampant in many cities. Give me a simpler time when people's word meant something and people held back saying what they thought, respect meant respectful to others first. "The times they are a changing!" I'll write some happier thoughts next. I will try not to repeat myself through these rants. I really do have a lot of the same feelings that happened in the sixties and early seventies, why is that?

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