Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Suns Rise

I'm so sick of Charles Barkley and the rest of the NBA announcing team putting down the Phoenix Suns! All they have done, without there out of this world player, Amare Stoudamire, is have the 3rd best record in the Western conference, and win two best of seven series (one of them coming down from a 3 games -1 deficit) and have won game 1 against the "predicted" Western conference finalist, Dallas Mavericks. I know it is too early in the series to say Phoenix will win this one, but at least give them their props!!!!!!!! You bastards! Just because TNT didn't like a small guard being the NBA MVP (2 consecutive years), they don't think they can win. Oh yeah, who hit the 3 to go ahead with 8 seconds left? Hmmph! Grit and determination remind me of my Celtics pre-1987! You don't have to be big in the NBA to win, how about smart, ala Jordan, Johnson, Bird? All of them were under 6'9"! Not 7', or weighing 300 pounds! Nash took a team that lost two, let me repeat, three major parts, no wait 4, including Stoudamire, Kurt Thomas, Joe Johnson, and Quentin Richardson. They got Boris Diaw and Raja Bell, castoffs from other teams. How come now they are so good? They get layups, because of a little Canadian guy, who has balls as hard as hockey pucks! Even if the Suns lost this series, or next, they have shown determination beyond their abilities, and persevered through injury and cold shooting. when the Suns shoot 43%, they are always in the game, but they shoot better than that in their sleep! Since Sir Charles has left the NBA. all he does is dog the Suns. I think he doesn't want them to succeed where his teams failed. He should know, being the smallest, toughest rebound leader in the world! He should know how much harder it is for the little guy to make it, especially in a league that is built on giants. Wait until next year, when the Suns have Amare, and oh yeah Kurt Thomas! Defense, size, skill ....Wahoo! How will they be stopped then? We even get the poor Atlanta Hawks number 1 pick in the next two years too!

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