Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day 2006

Happy Mother's Day!
I know most of us have had a good Mother's Day, but today was exceptionally hard for me. My Mom passed away two weeks ago and we will have a service for her in Phoenix on May 20th. It's not so hard knowing that my Mom is in a better place, it's knowing I can't hold her in this physical world. When last I saw her, in March, she really was hanging on to see us. From what I understand, she went to bed the next day and never got up. All I can think about is how peaceful she was. She was meek, humble and relaxed, which is totally contradictory to what we knew her to be. My mom's greatest strength was doing things on her own. I cannot remember a time when she wasn't fighting to survive. We never lacked for love and always knew where she stood. I miss hearing her loud laugh and her eyes would smile when her mouth did. I know that it will be okay through time, but I don't have to like it. I love my Mom and hope everyone cherishes their Mom, today and everyday! Love all ways, Mike

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have many fond memories of visiting you guys in Upton. We were always excited to visit Nana's.
I love you Mike. Thank you for praying for me. You are in my prayers.