Monday, October 10, 2005

This Century

Okay, just watched Anaheim beat the Yankmes! Since the millenium change we are even with the Brinx bombers! Randy Newman sings, "It's money that matters!" Not in baseball brother! George has shown that greed can make you competitive by buying an all-star team. Has it been cost effective? Hmmmm.... Randy Johnson may have helped them 2 years ago, not now! A-Rod, the punk, that should've come to Beantown and we would have killed, now ... how many rings does he have? Anaheim has pitching baby! colon, under-rated Lackey, R-E-L-I-E-F, and got timely hitting. We should see good championship series, but I don't care anymore so, Go Bruins, Suns, Coyotes, Celts, Pats and ...oh we don't have a football team in Glendale yet...? SuperBowl 2008 will be in my town and maybe, just maybe we'll see the, oooh crap... I can't even say Card... no... Patriots. The next question is...when will the Celtics regain their Basketball savvy again, I don't have as much time in this century so, I stil have that to live for. I thought I could die in peace after the Sox's win last year but, my boy's have only heard of the Celtic dynasty. I want them to see it!

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